A team of professional business consultants A highly experienced and knowledgable team of professional consultants, well established in the market having had a direct presence in the Namibian Human Resources environment for over 30 years. Get in touch A team of professional business consultants A highly experienced and knowledgable team of professional consultants, well established in the market having had a direct presence in the Namibian Human Resources environment for over 30 years. Get in touch slide 1

We provide a detailed recruitment process, from position development, longlisting, profile assessment and reference checks.

Organisational Development

Through our OD initiatives we use critical and science-based processes that help organizations build their capacity to change and achieve greater effectiveness.

Payroll and benefits management

By using the latest accredited payroll software, we provide organisations of various sizes with payroll, tax and benefit management services.

<h1>A team of professional consultants</h1>
About us

A team of professional consultants

We are a highly experienced and knowledgable team of professional consultants, well established in the market having had a direct presence in the Namibian Human Resources environment for over 30 years. As business and management consultants, we have an intimate understanding of the unique dynamics of our labour market and our reach is extensive having served virtually all industries and sectors of the economy during this time. By serving and partnering with local and international organisations of different sizes, we have been able to make a lasting impact in the health, banking, communications, investment finance, energy and mining industries.

Learn more about us



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Placements made
Relocations completed
Staff members on the largest payroll
We make a difference

We strive to provide lasting solutions
and remain anchored in our Namibian roots.